Date: Tue, 12 Apr 94 04:30:17 PDT From: Ham-Digital Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Digital-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Digital@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Ham-Digital Digest V94 #111 To: Ham-Digital Ham-Digital Digest Tue, 12 Apr 94 Volume 94 : Issue 111 Today's Topics: Anyone using AmigaNOS?? G-TOR and PBBS Support Hierarchial Address On email addresses and host names TCP/IP from car w/PK-8 Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Digital Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-digital". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 5 Apr 94 16:29:12 GMT From:!portal!combdyn! Subject: Anyone using AmigaNOS?? To: In article <2nkiit$> (Peter Hardie) writes: > >Is anyone out there successfully using AmigaNOS? I'm having trouble getting it >to do some things that I thought would be relatively easy. >First, I am using V2.9n and I have 2 TNCs so I can run two separate copies >of AmigaNOS on my A3000. One copy uses my VE5VA call and the other is set up >to use my other call VE5ESE. I set both copies up to fire up netrom but if >I try a "netrom connect" from one to the other the attempt times out and >fails, even though I can see in the trace window that the receiving end is >giving a response of some sort (an RR). >Any ideas why my netrom won't respond? It also will not respond if I only fire >up one AmigaNOS and use the other TNC as a normal AX25 and try to connect to >the netrom that way. Furthermore, the route updates are going out and are >accepted by our local netrom node but if I do an AX25 connect to that and then >try a connect from there back to my netrom it still times out. Hmm, I'm running 2.9l, I couldn't get any of the newer versions to run without crashing. I found that I couldn't get it work with any other serial port, other than the internal one. Telling it open unit 2-8 (A2232) it would write out of the port correctly, but the receive activity came from the internal....and having two different things reading from the same port (it didn't matter if they were both the same program), would lock my machine eventually. So, I could only run one port. The same problem happened when I was running AmiPAC....I didn't try any newer version of AmigaNOS.....come to think after I figured out that AmigaNOS had to be on the internal...I didn't try much else with more TNCs... actually I want to SLIP link to my UNIX box (at work). Even though I moved on to run CBBS....and now I'm not running anything on the Amiga.....since I got the PC and run FBB/BPQ/JNOS (I'm trying to get JNOS to be stable, then I'll try linking the Amiga in again). > >The other problem is that I can't get one of the AmigaNOS copies to act as a >domain server for the other. If VE5VA has all the local IP addresses/names in >its domain.txt file and VE5ESE sets up a "domain addserver" to point at ve5va, >then if ve5ese tries to get domain info from ve5va (e.g. asks for > then ve5va will respond with a message which in the trace >window shows that its ICMP field says node Unreachable code Port. >ve5dsc is definitely in the domain.txt file. Are there other commands >(e.g. arp) that need to be set up to make ve5va act as a domain name server? > I don't anything about trying this. >Finally, is there an Email reflector for AmigaNOS? I'm on the nos-bbs >reflector but I think some of my questions are specific to AmigaNOS rather >than JNOS. > If you find anything out, let me know.....this is something I'm going to want to try after I get the PC squared away. -- WORK: | PHONE 403 529 2162 | FAX 529 2516 | VE6LKC HOME: | 403 526 6019 | 529 5102 | VE6PAQ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Praxis BBS - 529 1610 | CYSNET BBS - 526 4304 | Lunatic Haven BBS - 526 6957 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- disclamer = (working_for && !representing) + (Combustion Dynamics Ltd.); ------------------------------ Date: 11 Apr 1994 20:16:42 GMT From:!!! Subject: G-TOR and PBBS Support To: In article <>, (Steve Wolf) writes: |> |> G-TOR and PBBS Use ... |> There is a section in the new manual which is for "individuals |> who have written Host mode programs" so someone is getting the |> information. Any ideas how? ... Some of the manufacturers support us authors fairly well, with information about new releases, requests for suggestions, and occasional alpha or beta hardware so we can test our code. Some do not offer much of any support at all. Kantronics falls into the first group: good support for the independent packet software author. The above is my from my experience writing BBS code ... For the curious: yes, I plan to support PACTOR and G-TOR. Don't know how soon it will be ready though. ... Hank -- Hank Oredson @ Mentor Graphics Internet : Amateur Radio: W0RLI@W0RLI.OR.USA.NOAM ------------------------------ Date: 7 Apr 94 19:10:32 GMT From:!portal!combdyn! Subject: Hierarchial Address To: Is there an official list of what all the different hierarchial fields are. I want both the old and new way.... Like North America was 'NA', and now its 'NOAM'. This is so I can configure my BBS to deal with all of them. Things have become a bit more complicated when I only connected to one system and said everything goes there..... I also want to know about countries, etc. One question I have....why do we have continental descriptors.....couldn't we do it the same as Internet. ....CA is Canada ....US is USA ....DE is Germany Other than that it would cause a real name crash if a Packet Address was entered into the Internet. -- WORK: | PHONE 403 529 2162 | FAX 529 2516 | VE6LKC HOME: | 403 526 6019 | 529 5102 | VE6PAQ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Praxis BBS - 529 1610 | CYSNET BBS - 526 4304 | Lunatic Haven BBS - 526 6957 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- disclamer = (working_for && !representing) + (Combustion Dynamics Ltd.); ------------------------------ Date: 12 Apr 94 00:49:28 GMT From:!!! Subject: On email addresses and host names To: In article <2oaspl$>, (Brian Kantor) writes: |> Jay, what we're talking about is the gatewaying of messages between the |> two networks, not what the networks use internally. |> |> The issue is how to transform one network's e-mail addresses (not host |> addresses necessarily) when mail crosses from one network to the other. |> |> Frankly, I do not believe that the existing e-mail addresses used on the |> AX.25 BBS network will ever change. I do believe that a parallel |> network of internet-compatable ham radio mail servers will spring up |> and, over time, obsolete the AX.25 BBS systems. |> |> The issue, for the moment, is how to make the two systems (the Internet |> and the existing AX.25 BBSs) interoperate as best they can. |> - Brian Or perhaps the BBS network will support internet email addresses directly, as well as the current "email address with those routing hints stuck in." Since the domains do not overlap, it should not be a problem to handle this, even with the existing software. What I mean here is that it is no problem for me to arrange things such that a message with an address of heads for my local email gateway. At present this cannot be extended to the general case because of limitations on field and element length. These limitattions are pretty artificial - they are an artifact of the CP/M systems we chose initially as hosts ... Making the changeover will not be all that big a deal. Some of the work has already taken place: for example compressed batch forwarding is RFC-822 compliant, and there is no particular restriction on the To: / From: fields. I don't think we will see "parallel network ..." of servers, but rather see the existing network of servers acquire more capability to internetwork, when it makes sense for them to do so. Would like to thank Brian for jumping into the discussion ... It is probably time to get some more of these gateways running, but I see very few of them, and the ones I can see directly (in the Portland and Seattle areas) do not seem to move many messages between the tcp/ip world and the larger interconnected BBS world. Seems to me this should be a rather simple problem to solve, but it does not appear to have been solved yet. ... Hank -- Hank Oredson @ Mentor Graphics Internet : Amateur Radio: W0RLI@W0RLI.OR.USA.NOAM ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 10 Apr 1994 00:20:00 GMT From:!!!!!eff!!ub!dsinc!!!svarbbs! Subject: TCP/IP from car w/PK-8 To: Hello Andrew. This message won't answere ur questions about mobile tcp-ip, but I wounld like to take this opputunity to ask u a couple of questions. First, I have been thinking of doing some traveling with an RV and I've pondered using packet as a way to send messages to some of my friends. Have u done much mobile packet? Secondly, how much of a pain in the @$$ is mobile packet? My thoughts always wonder to the frustrations built into local systems that I'm familiar with and i can't help thinking that the whole idea would be more work than it's worth. What do u think? Good luck on getting ur info. 73 de Bob AC6AV Via packet:AC6AV@Wd6WFH * OLX 2.1 TD * Home is where the tower is! ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 11 Apr 1994 20:44:00 GMT From:!usc!!!panix!!!!!kocrsv01! To: References , <>, suna. Reply-To : (Alan Anderson) Subject : Re: FCC Packet Message Forwarding In , (Jay Sissom) writes: >...The private key is only >known by the originating station and the BBS.... Whoa! If you're talking public key cryptography here, the private key should be known *only* by the originating station. The public key is all that is required to determine if a "signed" document is authentic. *Everybody* can know the public key; it cannot be used to forge a "signature." I compose a message. I "sign" that message using my private key. The message recipient (the BBS) verifies the signed message with my *public* key. If it passes verification, the recipient knows that it was indeed me who created the message. Authentication complete. ======== Alan Anderson (no fancy .sig) ------------------------------ Date: 12 Apr 94 00:52:52 GMT From:!!! To: References , <>, <2oas01$>o Reply-To : Subject : Re: FCC Packet Message Forwarding In article <2oas01$>, (Brian Kantor) writes: |> It seems to me that the FCC would only require you to take reasonable |> steps to authenticate people; absolute proof is not possible. |> - Brian Agree totally ... "Hello W7QRM, welcome to the W0RLI packet BBS." "Before you can log in, you must visit your local Police Station, put your retinal scan into the data bank, and provide a copy to me at my mail address." Naw ... doesn't seem reasonable. However, were I to notice a pattern of strange things going on, I would certainly investigate and try to find out who was doing what from where. Just like I would investigate any other bootlegger. ... Hank -- Hank Oredson @ Mentor Graphics Internet : Amateur Radio: W0RLI@W0RLI.OR.USA.NOAM ------------------------------ Date: 12 Apr 1994 02:27:05 GMT From:! To: References <>, <>, <2oc147$> Subject : Re: On email addresses and host names In article <2oc147$> writes: >ARRL - How about taking a leadership postion here. The ARRL is clueless on this issue. They can't help. They are demonstrating unusual wisdom in keeping quiet on an issue they can't contribute to. >We (the BBS authors) need some information about how >hams would like the network to work. "It's just software" and so can do >whatever folks want it to do. One would hope that hams would like the ham radio network to be interoperable with existing networks - such as the internet, which has more computers connected to it, and at least 10 times as many users of those systems, as there are hams in the world. Only the voice telephone system is a larger network. - Brian ------------------------------ End of Ham-Digital Digest V94 #111 ******************************